Insider Advice: Wedding Planning & Bridal Shopping Resources

It’s so exciting to look through bridal magazines when you’re engaged! The glossy images can give you some great ideas, but why stop there? We have scoured the internet and found 4 channels on YouTube to help you with your wedding planning/bridal shopping journey! Grab a snack & get help with your wedding planning from these four awesome ladies!

  1. Rachel Burt Garcia is an incredible wedding planner and owner of ‘As You Wish’ Events. She’s based out of Dallas, Texas, but is sharing her matrimonial skills online, via her Instagram and her Youtube channel!

  2. Hayley Segar was a bridal consultant for 5+ years. She’s beautiful, positive, and full of advice for brides headed to shop for their special dress! Click here to check out her playlist of wedding & bridal related videos.

  3. The Unveiled Bride is a Youtuber who gives tons of wedding & honeymoon planning advice. Her Instagram & Youtube channel chocked full of advice for brides up to their eye balls in details.

  4. Jamie Wolfer’s Instagram bio states “We’re big fans of uncompromising brides, understated budgets, and unbelievably beautiful weddings…” WOW! She’s sounds like our kind of girl! She has videos about eco-friendly weddings and things that your guests may not actually care about! Check out her Youtube channel and Instagram for her knowledge and tips!